Outdoor Advertising Promotion Feather Beach Flags Banners
Feather Flag Banners are a popular choice for businesses and organizations looking for an effective way to promote their brand or message. They are easy to assemble and can be quickly set up at any location. The mast of the feather flag banners are made from durable materials such as aluminium and fiberglass, which allows it to adapt to the shape of the flag and withstand wind and other weather conditions. The flag itself is printed on high-quality 115 g/m2 polyester fabric, which provides almost 100% reflection on the other side of the print. This ensures that the flag is highly visible and easily readable from a distance.
In addition to their durability and visibility, Feather Flag Banners are also convenient and easy to transport. They take up minimal space and can be easily moved from one location to another. They can also be placed on any type of surface thanks to the various bases that are available.
Overall, Feather Flag Banners are a versatile and effective way to promote your brand or message. They are easy to assemble, durable, and highly visible, making them a great choice for any business or organization looking to get noticed.
Feather Flag Banners are an excellent choice for businesses and organizations looking to promote their brand or message at outdoor events or in high-traffic areas. These flags are designed to be highly visible and attract the attention of passersby, making them an effective way to get your message out there.
Feather Flag Banners are perfect for use at roadside events or large open grounds such as malls, fields, and other public spaces. They can be made in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be customized with your logo, graphics, and other visually appealing elements to make them even more eye-catching. These feather flag banners are made from high-quality polyester fabric, which is durable and able to withstand the elements, making them a long-lasting promotional tool.
In addition to their visual appeal, Feather Flag Banners are also easy to transport and take up minimal space. They can be quickly set up and taken down, making them a convenient choice for businesses and organizations on the go. So, if you’re looking for an effective and fun way to promote your brand or message at outdoor events, feather flag banners are a great choice.
Tabele velikosti
Each feather flag banner is unique and has its own dimensions. To make it easy for you, we have made a clear overview of the different models with the corresponding dimensions. What is important for many customers, is the total height of the feather flag banner. This is important mainly for indoor use but sometimes, when used outside, you also want the information to be visible above certain objects. You will also find this total height on the websites of other providers. If you want to compare products with other suppliers, look carefully at the overall height and width of the beach flag and not the format (Extra Small – Large). Sometimes a size L (Large) with other providers is our size M. The printing shows the printing section (beach flag). These measurements include the margin by cutting the flag but exclude the tunnel (pocket in black or white). The total width of the flag will be slightly wider than the dimensions in the table below.
Oglejte si dimenzije različnih modelov. V spodnjih tabelah boste našli pregled z velikostmi zastav in skupno višino zastave na plaži z drogom.
Dimenzije pravokotne zastave na plaži
Tiskanje (cm) | Skupna višina (cm) | |
XS | 60x160 | 200 |
S | 72x240 | 300 |
M | 72x340 | 400 |
L | 72x440 | 500 |
Ravne dimenzije zastave na plaži
Tiskanje (cm) | Skupna višina (cm) | |
XS | 60x186 | 250 |
S | 60x240 | 300 |
MW | 90x300 | 400 |
M | 70x330 | 420 |
L | 75x380 | 500 |
Dimenzije pernate zastave na plaži
Tiskanje (cm) | Skupna višina (cm) | |
XS | 60x180 | 250 |
S | 60x240 | 300 |
MW | 90x300 | 400 |
M | 70x330 | 420 |
L | 75x380 | 500 |
Mere zastave na plaži Teardrop
Tiskanje (cm) | Skupna višina (cm) | |
XS | 80x143 | 200 |
S | 90x180 | 250 |
M | 100x240 | 340 |
L | 100x300 | 400 |
Dimenzije zastave Shark Beach
Tiskanje (cm) | Skupna višina (cm) | |
XS | 68x200 | 250 |
S | 68x250 | 300 |
M | 68x350 | 400 |
L | 68x400 | 500 |
Dimenzije poševne zastave na plaži
Tiskanje (cm) | Skupna višina (cm) | |
XS | 60x186 | 250 |
S | 60x240 | 300 |
MW | 90x300 | 400 |
M | 70x330 | 420 |
L | 75x380 | 500 |
Dimenzije konveksne zastave na plaži
Tiskanje (cm) | Skupna višina (cm) | |
XS | 60x180 | 250 |
S | 60x240 | 300 |
MW | 90x300 | 400 |
M | 70x330 | 420 |
L | 75x380 | 500 |
Možnosti oblik
Obstaja 6 običajnih oblik zastav, ki lahko prilagodijo dimenzije in tisk glede na vaše zahteve.
1. Straight Feather Flags
2. Convex Shape Feather Flag Banner
3. Teardrop Flag
4. Rectangle Flag
5. Konkavna zastava na plaži
6. Angled Feather Flag Banners
1. Dvostransko tiskanje
Vaš dizajn je natisnjen na sprednji in zadnji strani debelejše dvoslojne zastave iz poliestra.
2. Enostransko tiskanje
Vaš dizajn je natisnjen na sprednji strani enega kosa prosojnega poliestra.
pogosta vprašanja
Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori
Priporočamo, da sledite tem korakom za gladko (in brez stresa) nastavitev:
1. SESTAVITE DOB: Pritrdite dele droga za zastavo in nato dodajte antene na vrh droga.
2. DODAJ ZASTAVICO: Napeljite antene skozi žep, ki poteka ob strani vaše zastave.
3. PRITRDITE OSNOVO: Vilico na vrhu podstavka vstavite v luknjo na dnu droga za zastavo.
4. VARNA ZASTAVA: Prepričajte se, da je bungee pritrjen tako na zastavo kot na kavelj na drogu zastave.
ja Izbirate lahko med možnostmi enostranskega ali dvostranskega tiska zastav. Enostranske zastave so bolj prosojne, kar omogoča, da dizajn zastave (in sončna svetloba) zasije skozi, medtem ko naše bolj neprozorne dvostranske zastave ponujajo bogatejšo barvno nasičenost.
Vaš priložen drog za zastavo je prilagojen in širok 0,5″. Prišel bo v odsekih, z bungeejem, ki jih bo povezoval. Palica je večinoma izdelana iz steklenih vlaken, z nekaj aluminija. Ima tudi plastični kavelj, ki se uporablja za pritrditev zastave na palico – in lahko prilagodite kavelj, da povečate ali zmanjšate napetost zastave.
V mnogih pogledih je izbira ene oblike zastave po meri namesto druge lahko stvar osebnih preferenc – to pomeni, da ima vsaka možnost prednosti. Zastavice iz perja so priljubljena izbira zaradi svoje edinstvene in privlačne oblike. Ravne zastave ponujajo največjo površino za tiskanje. In ker so tkanine na naših zastavicah v obliki solze narisane bolj napete, so ponavadi najbolj nepremične od naših treh možnosti.
Promocijske zastave so natisnjene s sublimacijo barvila na prosojni poliester. Nastali transparenti so rahlo prosojni, kar omogoča, da se dizajn pokaže na obeh straneh. Če za svoje zastave izberete dvostransko tiskanje, bo vaša zastava vključevala 2 plasti materiala za bolj neprozoren videz. In da, naša tehnologija tiskanja zagotavlja, da so naše zastave požarno certificirane.
ja Svoje pernate zastavice ali ravne zastavice lahko vržete v pralni stroj. Priporočamo, da se operete s hladno vodo – in toplo priporočamo, da pustite, da se zastava posuši na zraku. Če pravilno skrbite za svojo zastavo, bo zdržala približno eno leto.
Da, podstavke in drogove za zastave lahko kupite ločeno.
Tu so uteži za naše osnovne možnosti zastave:
Ozemljitveni količek: 2,9 lbs
Drive-Over Base: 5,6 lbs
Osnova svedra: 2,2 lbs
Podlaga pločnika: 24 lbs, ko je napolnjena z vodo
Verjetno uporabljate naš zemeljski vložek. Del višine se zavzame z vstavljanjem količka v tla, kar različno vpliva na končno višino zastave.